Saturday, April 24, 2010
I didnt know leaving would be so hard.
Thursday night, my whole family, except for my brother, went for dinner and then, to the airport. We were there quite early and so, sat around drinking coffee.
After that, ct and clarence came. Almost at the same time as diya and carrie. Thank you guys! Much love.
Anyway, two hours before, I decided to check in my luggages... I didn't know leaving would be so hard. Whole family's tear gland started running! Even dad's. Makes me feel so sad that I am leaving them behind... But I knew I had to be strong.
Proceeded to chatting non-stop among everyone. Soon, it was time for departure. Took photos and said my goodbyes. Mostly wanted to sprint inside to avoid more tears running down anyone's cheeks. Seriously considered just giving the money and break my bond but I pushed the thoughts out of my head. I rushed through the departure hall. I wanted to leave happy, and land happy.
My flight was 7:40hours but it felt like forever. I was sitting between two caucasians who were snoring away. Kept needing to pee but I couldn't. When images of my family crying appeared into my head, I kept tearing! Watched Marley and Me and the dog just reminds me of snowball, snowman and girl girl. I haven't said my proper goodbyes to them. :(
It was 5:10am when I landed. Everyone was so friendly and helpful. Went to my apartment... It was perfect. Well, it is enough for I spent my whole day unpacking, and stopping for naps in between, since I didn't sleep a wink throughout the flight.
Today morning, I stepped out into the city for the first time. It is indeed the city of dust. There were dusts everywhere due to the dessert. You can say it's sand. There were huge spaces without buildings. Not what we see in Singapore.
I got my blackberry and got connected to my life in Singapore! Missed everyone.
Many timed there were thoughts of giving this up, but only for my family and love. It gets harder when I receive sad and depressed smses from them. I don't want them to suffer too much.
But this is what I want to try out. Why is it that I am not even a little scared? I go to the mall alone and see people wearing cloth covering their bodies. It is not like the skimpy outfits we see in Singapore. Its strict as its a muslim country. But I'm not afraid at all.
I feel as if God has sent me here to become strong and independent, and know what its like to work hard for something. I need to be able to handle negative feelings... All my life I've everything I want and I'm always happy and brave.
Maybe its time I grow up and face something challenging? To learn not to give up because success takes hard work? I want to find that thing that gives my life purpose, no matter what.
We shall see what the future awaits. :)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
This is it!
A mixture of sadness and excitement. I think I will never know what to expect until I get there.
This isn't an easy dream, but I've come thus far. It will only get tougher from here... But I think it would be all worth it at the end of the day.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I Love You by Ozaki Yutaka
He passed on when he was 26. It was 1992.
He is my dream.
Translation of the song:
I love you
just for now, I don't want to hear sad songs
I love you
escaping and escaping, I finally got to this room
this isn't a love where I was forgiven for everything
the two of us are like abandoned cats
this room is like an empty box, covered in fallen leaves
so you, with a crying voice like a kitten's...
on this creaking bed, instead of holding gentleness
if we can hold each other tightly
and then we'll close our eyes again
with a sad song, for this love not to fade
I love you
the two of us, who are too young
there's an untouchable secret in our love
I love you
I can't arrive at that, in my life right now
the love that piles up and lives on as one
we're only seeing a dream and being hurt
hearing "I love you" over and over,
you can't even go on living without this love
Monday, April 12, 2010
住在我房間隔壁的是一位美國人。他帶著剩下在他生命裏的三帶包子(其它的已經在美國賣掉了)來到台灣,除了定了飛機票和宿舍的單人房以外,什麽都沒有策劃。他住在洛杉磯《Los Angeles》一大半輩子,也試過很多不同的工作。他告訴我,大概十年前他還參加過一個巨大的音樂會,是男主角,而且扮演的是Elvis Presley。他給我聼了他那時Live錄的音樂,好厲害,因爲真的很像!過了這麽精彩的人生之後,因爲對華人的習俗非常感興趣,所以決定來台灣認識我們的文化,進步中文(他的中文蠻厲害的!),還有教英文。短短的一個星期内,他找到了房子和工作,就搬走了。
在台北的最後一天,我一整晚沒睡,都在用電腦。早上十點就洗澡,換了衣服就到對面的麥儅勞買早餐吃。我拿著早餐,坐在Tommy Hilfiger的小階梯外面吃著吃著。。。空氣清鮮,能看一個個的Scooter駕過,感覺真的很好。後來,我看到在掃地的Uncle,突然想起前幾天看的電影《Sumimasen,I Love You》裏一個非常感人的一幕。是這樣的。男主角把女主角帶到自己婆婆的小店,而小店在偏避的小巷子裏。店牌上放上店第一年開始的年份(1950年),所以女主角就問阿嫲從幾嵗開始做這個生意的。阿嫲說:“18 嵗的時候。”竟然已經做了58年了!女主角便很感動地說:“阿嫲好厲害哦,可以一輩子這樣專心做一件事情。”女主角便看看周圍的店,每閒都是拉下鐵門的,所以好奇地問男主角爲什麽大家這麽早就関擋了,男主角就回答說:“不是関擋,是都搬走了。” “爲什麽?” “因爲沒有一個人可以像阿嫲一樣一輩子只專心做一件事啊!”看了這部分真的好感動。。。好喜歡那部片子哦!
Cruz - Christina Aguilera
I'm leavin today
Living it, leaving it to change
Slowly drifting into a peaceful breeze
Tounge tied and twisted are all my memories
Celebrating a fantasy come true
Packing all my bags
Finally on the move
I'm leavin today
I'm living it, I'm leaving it to change
As I'm driving, I'm captured by the view
So much beauty, the road becomes my muse
The heat is rising, and my hand surfs through the wind
Cool, calm, collective is the child that lies within
See I'm leavin today
I'm living it, oh I'm leaving it to change
See I believe in today
Oh yes, I'm living it, I'm leaving it to change
But somehow I'll miss it
I think I'll really miss it, one day, ooh!
I turn up the radio
And I'm feeling like Ive never felt before
Turn down the memories of yesteryears and broken dreams
I bring, finally free(Ooo)
Slowly drifting into a peaceful breeze...
Oh yeah!mmmm
I'm leavin today
Oh yes, I'm living it(oh yeah), leaving it to change(to change)
Oh no, see I believe in today(oh yes)
I'm living it(living it)
Leaving to change(ohhh)
I'm leavin today
Living it, leaving to change
Living(to change), leaving to change(oh yeah)
Living it, leaving it
Said I'm living it, I'm leaving it
Living it, leaving it to change
I'm leaving it to change
But somehow I'll miss it, I think I'll really miss it one day
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
My new love
My new love! It's really tiny and pretty. Bought it for the convenience of travelling in future! Love love love love love... It's only 1.12kg!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Carrie Bradshaw