Listening to awesome music and typing this. Back from my long heart to heart talk with my best friends. I'm so glad to have them in my life. There are times when I am afraid they would leave me because I create too much trouble for them, but they never gave up on me. Thank you so much.
I think it's the end for us. Too many a times we thought we had reached the limit of our relationship, but I think, this time it really is the end. I know you can't handle it. I told you every single time how is it gonna be, but you still cannot handle it. There is no point continuing this because everyone's gonna lose out in the end. Including the people around us.
Anyway, I spent my valentine's day sleeping like a baby in my room. It was awesome. Watched No Strings Attached and it was awesome too. Now it's time to sleep again. Or maybe I would stay awake, go for a run and a swim and sleep tomorrow night. MAYBE.