Friday, December 3, 2010


I dont mean to be cheesy; talking about love. But I just had a few thoughts about it.

After ending my two-years relationship, I told myself I never want to be in a relationship again. Because career, studies and everything else should come first before love. I've never been the kind of person who thinks that falling in love would mean that nothing else matters anymore and that love triumphs everything. I think that love stands in the way of things.

I am often confused, impulsive and stupid. I impose my neediness on people when I feel lost and empty. I rush into things and then find out that it might not be what I want.

But now I don't want things to be complicated anymore. I don't want to be stupid. I want to take it slow. Less is more. More becomes nothing.

Let's let nature take its course. We'll see. : )

1 comment:

  1. Love and Life are the two things are related. Along with the journey of life, we can find out more in the meaning of love. Love is sweet, but also bitter. So is the life.

    Many people who say love is blind .. Yes it's true. When love working then we lost common sense. So, how?
    - Dont love someone as high as the sky, because the sky could collapse -
    - Dont love someone as deep as the ocean, because the sea can recede -
    - Dont love someone as big as the world, because the world could be destroyed -
    But enough to love someone just the tip of the nail, although small, Though always cut, It will always grow.

    Love like holding an egg, if held too weak it will fall and break, if held too strong it will be destroyed as well. So hold it with feeling and watch carefully, do not be strong but also not weak.

    Who can find Love just Time. So, until now you still believe in true love? Yes, I still believe:)
